Telf - Language school teaching via phone - Jazyky do ucha

We’ll teach you a foreign language over the phone. Naturally and with fun.

You only need 5-15 minutes of intensive instruction every weekday. 

Beware, learning languages with us can be addictive! 

Once you start talking, it’s hard to stop! Thanks to our courses, you will certainly be able to order a drink or buy a postcard for your grandmother on vacation. Isn’t that too little? How about starting a new business, moving to the ocean or writing a children’s book in a foreign language? Don’t keep your feet on the ground, we will be happy to help you reach for your dreams and goals. 

6 reasons to learn with us. 

Forget the torment of hourly lessons. All we need is a few minutes a day. 

Keeping full attention for an hour? This can be a superhuman task. It is scientifically proven that a person can only concentrate for a maximum of 20 minutes. The rest of the time is spent thinking about what to cook for lunch or why that fly doesn‘t fall off the ceiling. Not only will you have fun with us for a quarter of an hour a day, but you will also learn a lot more. 

Anywhere, anytime. Maybe even with a glass of wine. 

All you need is a phone and a few minutes of your time. No more excuses that you don’t have time to study. It’s up to you when you start studying. Take a lesson on the way to work, on a walk with the dog or just when you are relaxing. 

There is a big difference between “knowing a language” and “being able to use a language”. 

Languages are all about communication! Excellent grammar is of no use to you if you cannot use it in conversation. When we were still wearing diapers and learning our first word, we weren’t buried in textbooks. A foreign language gets under your skin by using it. With us, we will be talking right from the beginning, in short, we will not drop you in at the deep end. 

You don’t have to be afraid of mistakes, they won’t kill you. 

Your mistakes are the best textbook. Do you remember learning to ride a bike? You  can’t do it without falling off a few times, and it’s the same with languages! Don’t worry about messing up. We are not here to grade or chastise you. On the contrary, we will help you get the most out of your mistakes. You will see that we sometimes have a good laugh over them. And that your missteps can move you forward, it just takes a little positive motivation. 

The phone is just the beginning. We have a lot more up our sleeves. 

You don’t have to worry about all your teaching taking place only via mobile. We have a lot of study materials for you in our online accounts. But we don’t stop there, listen to one of our English podcasts, in which you will find out how life is in Canada. Another ace up our sleeve are the trained tutors who will tailor your lessons to your personality and help you use the language in your everyday life. 

Honestly? We are not a common language group. 

Forget the formalities, with us you’ll laugh your heart out, but you’ll also sweat a lot. Our tutors are real people, just like you. Whether you want to talk about the latest football championship, Milan fashion week or just complain about a boring day at work. Our lecturers can always insert new words into topics that are close to you. And if it doesn’t fit? We will, of course, offer you a full refund. 

We talk to individuals and entire companies. 

At Telf, we offer individual language courses over the phone, where we can teach how to master general knowledge of foreign languages, as well as specific, specialized topics. Logistics, medical or business English? Not a problem. Let us know what your business needs and we can tailor a course to your needs. 

What do our students think of us? 

Telf is here for everyone. Whether you are a CEO, a gifted athlete or a mother on maternity leave. 

Libor Milota

Construction company manager and car racer

‘Being forty, no talent for languages, the stress of every English word. You tell yourself there’s just no point anymore. But then you run into the Telf girls. And suddenly it works! No stress, no homework, no time limits. Every day, anywhere, on the road, at home, having a huge workload – 15 minutes pause, distraction and fun, a short English-language phone call on the level I can handle. And after a year and a half of study, I’m finally able to speak English. Finally, no worries, I’ll call where I need to call and set up what’s needed. Right now, is the best start!’

Kristýna Bumbová

Mom on parental leave

‘Three years ago, I received a voucher from my husband for a five week course of English. As an almost-complete beginner, I had been concerned that I wouldn’t understand the person on the other side of the phone at all. I had been pleasantly surprised from my first lesson, and despite my constant nervousness and shyness, I looked forward to every phone call. I decided to stick to calls, even after giving birth, on maternity leave. After some time, I was most excited about the fact that the fear of conversation had gone out of me and turned into self-confidence. Now, for me, lessons are not only a daily source of gaining new knowledge, but especially a pleasant relax from the normal daily routine with the baby.’

Petr Družkovský

Operations Director Geis s.r.o.

‘I have been using Telf’s phone tuition for several years and I am very satisfied. After many attempts to exceed the perpetual beginner’s level with different lecturers in hourly lessons and at irregular intervals 1-2 times a week, I have finally moved on. I particularly appreciate the daily regularity and attitude of the lecturers, which is professional and also very empathetic, which makes the student free of any shyness from communicating in a foreign language. I am most comfortable with my stable lecturer who, in addition to teaching, can motivate me for further study with her lovely approach.’

Eva Velková


‘English with my phone in my hand makes me very happy! Everyday conversation is a completely different way of working and I have high hopes that the best results will come soon! ‘

Jaromír Opatrný

Owner of WELL PACK s.r.o.

‘I’ve known Telf since its very beginnings and I know it offers the best possible variant of teaching. I myself have used their services not only personally, but also for my family and a number of my staff and colleagues who work abroad or are in regular telephone contact with foreign partners. Because of my laziness, I look for maximum benefit while making minimal effort, and the idea of commuting to lessons was not for me. With Telf, I always planned the call for a car trip or a walk, and combined the pleasant stuff with the helpful. And I’ve tried that small daily doses have a much greater effect than 2 hour lessons a week. They don’t burden you in time and in comparison, with the prices of the competition or financially, they kick you and hold an imaginary whip over you to really work on yourself regularly. And that’s cool, because that’s what’s producing results.’

Miroslava Břinčilová

Accountancy firm owner

‘I’ve got a small accounting firm, I’m totally busy and I don’t have much space left in the working week. In my 50´s I decided to brush up on my German knowledge and therefore I studied German once a week with my private tutor. It wasn’t enough, I forgot a lot of things anyway. Then I found Telf and thought I’d try another way. I started with 5-minutes with the amazing lecturer Petra and enthusiastically switched to 10-minutes with time. I don’t have to think about anything, Petra always calls me at the appointed time, we repeat, we discuss new words and whole sentences, and because that’s the case every day, everything sticks really deep in my memory. It really only takes those few minutes! Moreover, the lecturer is only concentrated on me, she knows how I am, what I need and she adapts the teaching to that. Ideal for students of every age! I ended up adding Polish to German and I recommend all Telf for their simplest, highest quality and fastest way of teaching.’

Kristina Dyrčíková


‘I started to use Telf services unintentionally but I am very satisfied. I’m learning English, and while I thought there was no point in my old age and I wouldn’t be able to handle something like that, I find the opposite is true! I have a very nice lecturer who talks to me in a way that I manage everything, motivates me and explains everything patiently, and I suddenly know more English words after a month than in my entire previous life! I really didn’t think it would happen again in my 70 years. Plus, calling makes my day more enjoyable, I look forward to it long before Tina calls, I keep my head busy and I can think of other things than normal and I’m really happy about that. I strongly recommend Telf to all seniors, especially those who live alone and welcome meaningful distractions.’

Ondřej Gudelj

Marketing specialist

‘You can learn a language the best in a natural environment, but if you don’t want or can’t live abroad, the teaching offered by Telf is the best possible alternative. Daily language lessons on the phone, which take you to a completely different environment in a few minutes, have given me 100 times more than any other school or gruelling language classes twice a week with a commute. Efficiency is important in my profession, especially temporal efficiency, and it is maximal here with the highest possible effect. I’ve been learning with Telf for a number of years and I can’t imagine it ever being any different. My only regret is that I didn’t start earlier!’

Zdeněk Hulík

Director of Oxxo Pipe

‘I took different language courses with my English, over of about 15 years, home studies on PC, weekly stays in the Czech Republic, a course in the UK, personal teachers, all sorts of things. Finally, I tried the Telf language school courses, which I rank second only to my stays abroad in terms of benefits. I’ve been using the 15-minute language lesson service a day with a teacher on the phone for about 5 years to learn Italian, German and Czech. Even if I’m not a diligent or the brightest student, the lecturers always take me a bit further. Their human and yet most professional approach, agreeing on specific teaching times exactly according to my needs and clearly improving my knowledge during the first few months of the course made it clear to me that, personally, Telf was right for me. And I’ve cancelled attending courses or private classes once and for all.’

Zuzana Čmielová

Owner of accounting firm DAMFI Accountancy s.r.o.

‘It’s been almost a year since I started telfing. First, we trained the forgotten phrases and now I am seamlessly communicating with our foreign clients. It suits me that I can plan my lessons exactly according to my timetable and I maintain my knowledge with a 10-minute conversation every day. I can only recommend the telf to everyone.’

Ivo Bartoněk

Director of construction company Astra, spol. s.r.o.

‘I’m very happy with learning the English language with Telf.’

Jitka Dudysová

Poradkyně osobního rozvoje

‘I had longed to speak a foreign language all my life. Not the one which the school will choose for me (I am a senior), but the one that I will choose. Putting something new in your head wasn’t fun when you were young, though, let alone now at my age. Thanks to the recommendation of a close person, I decided to change my approach to English and, wishing to improve, tried Telf. And that’s exactly what Telf stands for. I’ll try and see, I told myself. And what do you think happened? I’m still in touch with English thanks to Telf! Every morning, for a few minutes, on the phone with a cool lecturer, and I LOOK FORWARD to the lessons! I am ENJOYING those moments even now in the “face mask” era. They allow me to maintain the run-of-the-mill rhythm of my pre-face mask life. And my English-speaking skills? Hard to assess myself, but I guess I’m getting better and better. It’s the main thing the classic once said – “the way is the goal.” I recommend Telf because it is a good way.’

Get in touch with us! We will be happy to answer your questions. 

  • Together we will discuss the goals you want to achieve with your studies 
  • We welcome you on board
  • Let’s talk about how things are going for you with Telf
  • We will select a study program that will suit you exactly

Telf 5 Telf 10 Telf 15
Course offer 2770
per month  (20 lessons)
per month(20 lessons)
per month (20 lessons)
Length of each lesson 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes
Lessons 5x a week
Lessons according to your language level
How much we step into it daily kick relaxed pace intensive pace
Twice a year a book according to your
language skills
In case of dissatisfaction, 14-day money-back guarantee
Order Order Order

Course offer

Telf 5
per month  (20 lessons)
Length of each lesson
5 minutes
Lessons 5x a week
Lessons according to your language level
How much we step into it
daily kick
Twice a year a book according to your
language skills
In case of dissatisfaction, 14-day money-back guarantee
Telf 10
per month(20 lessons)
Length of each lesson
10 minutes
Lessons 5x a week
Lessons according to your language level
How much we step into it
relaxed pace
Twice a year a book according to your
language skills
In case of dissatisfaction, 14-day money-back guarantee
Telf 15
per month (20 lessons)
Length of each lesson
15 minutes
Lessons 5x a week
Lessons according to your language level
How much we step into it
intensive pace
Twice a year a book according to your
language skills
In case of dissatisfaction, 14-day money-back guarantee