Study type test
Why is it important? The test will help us to better understand your individual learning technique and thus make our entire teaching of the chosen language even more efficient and simpler.
Did you know, you can find an easier and more enjoyable way to learn? You only need to know your ideal learning style. But don´t worry, it´s not difficult to find it out. We are all different. We all learn and thrive under different conditions – some people find it easier to learn when they can see what they want to concentrate on. Some find it easier to learn when they can engage their listening skills and there are other people who find it easier to learn when they can move about or do something physical.
When you know your learning style then learning becomes an enjoyable activity.
Take our learning style test and find out which style works best for you. Then you can see for yourself how fun learning really can get!
So hooray!
We offer more than just a chat over the phone.
We take your efforts absolutely seriously, which is why we are constantly working on support services that you won’t find anywhere else.

Our lecturers will help you fine-tune the learning process to perfection.
Knowing how to learn properly is not an easy thing. Our lecturers are there to push you in the right direction. They’ll discuss your strengths and help with aspects of learning that you don’t really relate to. In short, together we will find a way to practice so that you enjoy learning a new language. What about spicing up the process a bit? At your request, we will prepare a new challenge each month to help you with your language. Have a movie marathon in English with the films of your favorite director, or read Harry Potter again, but this time in Italian.

We will advise you on how to learn effectively.
Each of us have a different system for cramming new information into our heads. We’ll help you figure out if you’re more of a visual, auditory or kinesthetic kind of student. Do these terms mean nothing to you? We will explain how this affects your learning and how knowing will help you learn as effectively as possible.

Study materials online.
Hanging up the phone is not the end of your studies with us! We have prepared a lot of online materials for you to help with your new languages. They will allow you to hone your skills with the learning materials that our lecturers will prepare for you according to your abilities. You can listen to our English podcasts, or improve your language skills even more through language and grammar exercises.