Terms and conditions of Telf services

In other words, what’s good to know, so you are aware of exactly what it is like at our school and what to expect.

To begin with, a few main points in “human language”:

  1. You can order the lessons via the order form on www.telf.cz. You will choose the desired language, as well as the length of the call and receive confirmation of your order in return.
  2. We always start our lessons on Mondays – i.e. if you order a course on a Tuesday, expect it to start on Monday of the following week.
  3. You will receive an informational email with all the details of your course before it begins, no later than the first day of tutoring.
  4. You have the study materials available in your student account.
  5. Our lecturers are available to you every weekday from 07:00 to 18:00. Any lessons outside the set times are by individual agreement. We encourage you to choose an exact call time, otherwise the lecturer will call you at any time within the agreed hours.
  6. You will arrange the exact time of your call with your lecturer. We consider this timetable to be binding for the duration of your course, i.e. for 4 weeks.
  7. You can agree long-term changes to your schedule on 773 899 988. The new plan starts 24 hours after accepting your request, by which time the original plan is valid. One-off schedule changes can always be agreed individually with your lecturer.
  8. With a long-term change in the schedule, we will try to maintain the lessons with the same lecturer, but we cannot guarantee it.
  9. You can cancel tutoring for all or part of the prepaid period of the course, by calling 773 899 988, effectiveimmediately. The cancellation fee for each day of cancelled teaching is 20 Kc.
  10. Please inform us of any changes to your schedule, interruption or termination of lessons, either by calling 773 899 988 or by emailing us at info@telf.cz. We will disregard changes that have been made without our knowledge.
  11. In the price of our service, you have two attempts to reach you by the lecturer. If you miss the lecturer’s call and don’t accept it a second time, the tuition on that day lapses without a refund or compensation.
  12. You can order the third attempt of the lecturer to reach you by calling 773 899 988. This service extension costs 175 CZK per prepaid period, i.e. for 4 weeks.
  13. If you miss the lecturer’s call, you have the option to call them back, however, with no guarantee that the lecturer will be available and also with no refund for the cost of the call.
  14. In the case of the call not being made due to the lecturer’s fault, you are entitled to a replacement call, a call extension for the time of the call not made, or a refund for the call which was not made.
  15. All unperformed lessons must be replaced by the end of the subscription. In the case that you fail to agree on a refund within the prepaid period, the unperformed lessons will be forfeited without any further compensation or refund.
  16. If you are not satisfied with your lecturer, you have the right to request a replacement by calling 773 899 988 or e-mailing us at info-telf.cz.
  17. Discounts are not combinable.

And now something for the clients, in noticeably more detailed „Office language”:


1.1 Urszula Kurzyszová, headquartered in Písek 47, 73984, ID No: 878 330 00 (“Provider“), providing after-school education services – lecturer activities herewith lays down the following general terms and conditions (“VOP“) governing the provision of services in accordance with the provisions of Section 1751 paragraph 1 of Act No 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended (the “Civil Code“) the reciprocal rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties arising in connection with or on the basis of an order made between the Seller and another natural person (the “Consigner”) for the purpose of carrying out language instruction (the “Service“).

 1.2.       Provisions derogating from commercial terms can be negotiated in the purchase agreement. The derogating arrangements in the purchase agreement take precedence over the provisions of these trading conditions.

1.3. Provisions on commercial terms are an integral part of the contracts.


2.1. The customer will order a language course over the phone, according to the desired level, language and length of the call, on www.telf.cz or by calling 773 899 988. The customer will receive confirmation of the successful order.

2.2. In particular, the confirmation will include a summary of the ordered service.

2.3. The customer will receive an informational email with details of their course before it starts, no later than on the first day of Telf service. This makes the order a binding purchase agreement, which includes these terms and conditions, and creates a contractual relationship between the provider and the customer.


3.1. The price of the service is always negotiated for 20 teaching days of either 5, 10 or 15 minutes of the consigner’s choice. If the consigner wants to continue learning, the contract is automatically extended.

3.2. The price of the service is payable:

3.2.1. Retrospectively, on the basis of invoices issued by the provider after the end of the relevant month according to the lessons actually taught or

3.2.2. in advance, in the form of a bank transfer.  The price of the service will be paid in its entirety, depending on the number of lessons ordered in the term before the first lesson begins. In the case of a bank transfer, the consigner will send the payment to account No 107-7409460207/0100.

3.3. The price of the service includes the performing of instruction (teaching), the preparation of a lecturer for instruction (teaching), knowledge testing and course organisational support.

3.4. In the case of upfront payment, the consigner is responsible for not exceeding the number of lessons implemented as opposed to the number of lessons paid. If the number of hours paid is nevertheless exceeded when the service is performed, the customer is obliged to pay all the hours performed in full, according to the price agreed in the given order of the service.

3.5. The due date of the provider’s invoices is 14 calendar days from the date issued by the provider.

3.6. If invoice payments are delayed, a penalty of 0.05% is agreed for each commenced day of delay.

3.7. Supporting materials for the study will be accessible by the consigner on the online platform telf-ucet.cz, to which they will get an access password.


 4.1.       The provider undertakes to provide a service for the customer through lecturers with appropriate qualifications and professional experience.

4.2. In the case of any requests or complaints, the provider undertakes to discuss these with the customer in order to resolve them as quickly and comprehensively as possible.

4.3. In the event of a retraction of the lesson by the consigner, 24h in advance, the provider is obliged to comply and not charge any penalties.

4.4. In the event that the call is not made, due to the fault of the lecturer, the consigner is entitled to a replacement call, a call extension for the time of the call not made, or a refund for the call not made.

4.5. When performing the service, the provider is required to provide a record of hours worked on request.


5.1. The Customer undertakes not to enter into direct contractual relationships or otherwise circumvent the Provider with the Provider’s lecturers who will provide the service for it, for the duration of this Agreement and three years after its termination.

5.2. The Customer also undertakes to address any potential problems or complaints as a matter of priority by consulting the Provider.

5.3. The customer is required to address any changes to the schedule, interruption or termination of instruction through the provider on 773 899 988. Changes made without the provider’s knowledge cannot be taken into account.

5.4. If the customer has chosen a call time range, whether by filling in a call schedule on telf.cz or by calling: 773 899 988, this call schedule is considered to be binding for the service’s subscription period, i.e. 5 weeks.

5.4.1 The customer can agree a change of schedule on 773 899 988. The new schedule starts 24 hours after the request is accepted. Until then, the current schedule is in effect. The provider tries to maintain the instruction with the same lecturer as the consigner had before changing the schedule, but cannot guarantee it.

5.5. The customer has two attempts to reach him by the lecturer included in the price of the Telf service. If the customer does not accept the lecturer’s call for a second time, the lessons are forfeited on that date without any compensation or refund.

5.6. If the customer missed the lecturer’s call, they have the option to call the lecturer back, but no guarantee that they will reach the lecturer and no refund for the cost of the call.

5.7. If the customer is not satisfied with the lecturer, they have the right to ask for a change of lecturer by calling 773 899 988.


6.1. The customer applies the claim to the provider in writing at the address of the provider’s company headquarters or electronically to the info e-mail address, without undue delay, but no later than 5 working days after learning of this fact.

6.2. Such written claim must include the following elements: the name and surname of the client, contact details and description of the claim. Without the above, the provider is not required to assess the claim.

6.3. The provider will handle the claim no later than 30 days after the delivery of the above specified written notice, unless the provider agrees with the customer on another (shorter) time limit.

6.4. The right to choose how to remove a claim in the event of a recognised claim lies with the provider.

6.5. A lesson in which the lecturer failed to reach the consigner on a second attempt also counts as an implemented teaching lesson, unless there was an request (and/or other participant in a course determined by the supplier for this act, the choice of which the consigner, when agreeing the detail of the service, agreed with the provider) to cancel the hour properly, either by sending an email to info@telf.cz or sending a text message. It must be clear from the content of the SMS or email beyond any doubt that their aim is to cancel the lesson by the customer, if there is any doubt the hour is deemed to be taking place.

6.6. If, for reasons on the part of the provider, all ordered tutoring lessons from the order that was payable in advance are not performed, the provider will refund the amount for unrealised teaching hours to the consigner in full on request.

6.7. If, at the instigation of the consigner, all ordered tutoring lessons are not performed from the order, which was payable in advance, the provider will refund the amount for unrealised teaching hours to the consigner, upon request, minus organisational costs of providing the service, which is of 40% of the unspent amount.

6.8. In the case of dissatisfaction, the customer has the right to cancel the order on 773 899 988 or by emailing info-telf.cz, with immediate effect, for the full prepaid period of 25 days during the first two weeks of instruction. That will be without a cancellation fee.


7.1. The contractual relationship is concluded for an indefinite period.

7.2. Both parties may terminate the contract in writing, without giving reasons, with 10 calendar days’ notice from the date of delivery of the notice to the other party. 

7.3. The provider may unilaterally terminate the contract with immediate effect, in the event that the customer would be in arrears to pay the provider’s invoices more than 30 calendar days after the due date.

7.4. Following the termination of the contract, the provisions of Article 5 (1) remain in force of this contract.

7.5. Any changes and additions to the contract can only be made in writing, either by email or conventional mail.